Monday, July 9, 2012

Dont Judge - neh?

The thought of  'blogging' always baffled me..An online diary?What was the point?Why would anyone want to divulge their every thought for the whole cyber-space to 'see'?Was it for celebrities or businesses looking to advertise?Or for bored but brainy individuals?

I'm not entirely sure when I read my first blog,or what inspired me to start 'blogging'.But I do know this,most Muslim girls like myself are too hesitant to do something like this..To have someone judge you,your thoughts or even if it may be your style of typing.Fact is,we are our own worst critics.We lack motivation and drive.One too many times have I hesitated or had to rethink a decision a thousand times over for a fear of  "What will people think?".Rightly so too,Muslims judge Muslims,instead of realising that we are all brothers and sisters in Islam.

I encourage you to read my blog with an open mind.To realise that this is coming from a young 20-something Muslimah who is merely trying to find her way.However,I acknowledge that in moving away from the worry of other peoples judgement,one must always retain and protect his/her dignity.

May Allah-Subhanahu-wa-Ta'allah guide us all.

I reserve the right to protect my name and identity for a fear of  'judgement'.

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