As females,no matter young or old,we are always guilty of dreaming - the perfect life,the perfect job,the perfect child,the perfect husband.More designer handbags,more gorgeous stilettos.No one can blame us for wanting everything sparkly,it is kind of inherited,passed on from grandmother to mother to daughter.Unrealistic dreaming,some may call it,but it never stops us from wanting and aiming for that 'perfect' life.
But what if one day,tragedy strikes and suddenly that flawless plan somehow doesn't seem possible anymore?What if you lost the most important person,someone who played a big part in your quest to happiness?Would that mean that whatever we had dreamed of could no longer materialise?
As Muslims,we are taught from a very young age about something called 'taqdeer' (pre-destination).We are taught that everything happens for a reason and that there most definitely is good in every situation.But really,how often do we think about this in a difficult circumstance and act on this knowledge?
In the past year,I have known and heard of four young twenty-something girls who have either lost their mothers or husbands,in one instance,both.
Which young girl does not include these two very important people in her life's plan,the dreams,the expectations,the fears and delights.Watching these girls go about their days with smiles on their faces and a kind word to everyone sends shivers down my spine.
It is amazing how strong Allah (SWT) has made them and how much of sabr (patience) He has granted them.
So,I wonder,do they really stop to think for a moment about their life ahead?Do they feel like their fairytale has come to a standstill?No doubt they go through motions but I always like to think of the Ayaah in the Quraan that goes something to the effect that after every hardship and difficulty comes ease.For Allah is Most Merciful.
No matter how bad our situation is, remember this Hadith :
'Hazrat Abu Saeed (RA) and Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) relate that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said :" A Muslim will never be afflicted by any hardship nor any discomfort nor worry nor grief nor harm nor sorrow even the pricking of a thorn except that Allah will expiate some of his sins." '
Muttafaqun A'layhi
I take great comfort in knowing that waiting out a painful time with patience and perserverance is beloved in the eye's of Allah,so beloved that He even washes away some of our many sins.
Islam teaches us how to deal with every situation,how to react,how to respond in the right way,all to lead us to a place every Muslim desire -Jannah.Let us realise this and bring it into our lives.Insha Allah
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