The past couple of months have been exciting-I completed a course I had been eager to do for many years, started my training and training kind of came to a halt when I discovered that soon I would be joining the ranks of those fierce and brave soldiers- motherhood!
Alhamdulillah! You think getting married is exciting until this stuff hits you. You really want to just scream it to the world but thanks to Indian mums and grandmothers,you have to gag it for a while (three months to be exact).Then the real fun starts- nausea.....
It's a time where everyone kind of pampers you,you can sit at the supper table long after all the dishes have been cleared and no-one glances disapprovingly at your laziness. You shouldn't bend,stretch,walk too fast and heaven forbid you try to wear those gorgeous new heels!
Your freezer get stocked 'so that you don't have to cook the weekend' (thanks mum-in-law) and pots magically appear on your stove before hubby gets home (thanks mum).
But all that really doesn't compare to the amazing feeling of knowing Allah chose you to bear and raise one of his Prophets' Ummati.It truly is an honour and sometimes you wonder if you will be able to fulfil your role adequately. But hey,all we can do is make dua and try our best!
The hardest part about it,I guess,would be telling those close to you,who have been unable to have children of their own. You want to share your good news with them but at the same time worry about how it's going to make them feel inside. But again,all we can do is make dua to Allah to bless them with children of their own if that is what's best for them and keep them happy.
A wise person once told me that while everyone may want children,not everyone is put on this Earth to have.Sometimes Allah has a better plan for those people; they are to serve Allah's Deen and bring people closer to Allah,something they may have not been able to do,if they had children..And their reward is definitely on the Day of Qiyaamah.
Allah knows best..
In the meantime,here are some lovely looking nurseries I found online. They were actually found on a post suggesting nursery ideas for the new Royal baby,but I think it's fit for a Muslim prince/princess !!
Keep me and the Ummah in your dua's
*Unfortunately can't remember which website,if anyone does know,please email me so that I may credit it